The best SEO tactics: 8 practical tips

Taking care of the SEO of individual posts is not enough in the eyes of Google, it applies the eight suggestions chosen for better positioning in the search engine pages. In this guide we are going to see the best SEO tactics, in particular I will provide you with 8 SEO tactics to improve ranking on Google.

First you familiarized yourself with the SEO Friendly technicality, then learned to properly implement every post you write, follow the guidelines respectful of today’s SEO dictates, in honor of the benevolence on the part of Google you even sacrificed the style as you liked in the name of the technique as befits the best web writing.

Well but not very well!

You can focus on applying other SEO tactics that will make your blog a qualitative leap, obtain a higher score in the eyes of the search engines, and er crawler to obtain a position of completely different importance.

The years go by and even some indications, but others remain and are more than current. In this guide we will see the best evergreen SEO tactics , with no expiration .

Some of these SEO techniques make the difference between an amateur blogger and a professional, however many professional bloggers still run into some oversights that make you think otherwise. As they say, prevention is better than cure, here are 8 SEO solutions for specialist bloggers.

Start with a strategic title

Many readers stop at the title to not go even further, studies say it and it’s a hard truth.

Luckily people are more predictable than you might think, they act by schemes and have replicable behaviors just enough to be able to abandon the romance of the titles on the way to the wind to be replaced by a call to action stuffed with keywords to you want the article to rank in the SERPs.

The length limit within which you must compress this technique is between 50-70 characters .

I recommend this does not mean that you have to write winking titles and then betray the trust of users, nor exaggerate otherwise click explicit, even harassing click bait .

Perfect meta description

With the meta description the limit rises to 150 characters , the goal of the meta is to further clarify what you said in the title.

If with the latter you have made a compromise between attracting people’s attention and the wise use of keywords to tell search engines where to best position the article, in the meta description you can offer greater clarity on the content by anticipating its progress .


Better if even in this case you write inviting to action or hints to a resolution of a problem so that you can facilitate the clicks.

A title is sufficiently predictive, the meta description, on the other hand, enumerates the advantages that can be obtained after reading the article, which help you receive, the problem to be solved, the core focus of the post is made clearer.

The best meta descriptions prevent the visitor from making wrong, uninterested clicks, so waste time and get nervous by never returning to the blog, branding it as unreliable.

Its ultimate function therefore is to clarify the content it finds once the article is open, after clicking on the title, or on the ‘Read More’ button.

So they offer guarantees on the content, the “promise” which they must then fulfill, once the reading is finished, it is kept.

Tag for images

Images play a fundamental role in attracting visitors, users are captured by graphics.

The more useful and quality they are, the better the chances of getting conversions, attention and backlinks.

But images also play an important role in positioning both on the Google search engine dedicated to images and in making it clear where the text to which they are attributed is best placed.

The ‘ alt text / tag ‘ attribute tells search engines what they can’t see because they don’t have eyes but read.

Technical Tip: before saving an image on your hard disk or uploading it to the blog, always rename it with the right / relevant keywords , separated by dashes and explain in maximum 4/5 words the meaning they have.

Increase your loading speed

A site or blog that is slow to open discourages people from waiting and does not turn them into visitors.

A slow page runs serious risks of being closed.

Google penalizes sites that are too slow to open with slow page loading speeds.

If you want to test web pages you can use Google Page Speed a free tool that helps you find out the loading times, maybe you are not sure or you don’t know them.

The problems can be inherent in the code, images that are too heavy and all this translates into bad positioning opportunities by Google.


Use clean permalinks

Permalinks must always consist of the keywords for which you want to position the page in question.

Banned dates in URLs and IDs of articles / pages!

Each keyword is divided by a dash and those composed of alphanumeric codes incomprehensible to anyone, including search engines, are absolutely banned.

Relevant internal links

Internal links represent the hypertext network through which the search engines know best and include a blog.

They must be relevant and start from a keyword that refers to the exact corresponding content, otherwise they are not good.

The internal links increase the time visitors stay on the blog and the involvement on the contents, induce to explore and deepen further because they suggest other pages to visit.

Subtitles for a good structure

Within the text there may be six types of header tags (subtitles): H1, H2, H3, H4, H5 and H6.

The H1 tags are meant for the page title, while the H2-6 tags are for the subtitles.

We suggest the use of multiple tags to hierarchize the text, so that they are all related to each other and linked to the sense of the content.

The Tag H1 must satisfy the searches that people do online, for their intentions for this it is a good practice to choose the keywords according to what the customer is led to look for.

Use a good and reliable hosting space

Without a reliable hosting space you can say goodbye to the speed of your website’s page loading, no to performance, while instead it is slowing down and everything that instead of facilitating the blog in the eyes of people and Google penalizes it.

Choose a reliable SEO service and make it the basis to start from if not the backbone of your online presence.

A good hosting like Siteground certainly helps in this regard.

We recommend using a WordPress site on a Siteground hosting.


SEO is constantly changing and is the victim of continuous updates or perhaps the victims are us who must continually update to keep up with Google’s algorithms and in the meantime be able to cover the 200 always valid ranking factors .

It is not an exact science, but a set of technical guidelines to be respected in Google as well as how we do in the home of others when we are guests and we certainly do not act arrogant but we are respectful of the rules otherwise we will be chased away.

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